How to Survive Your Neighbor’s
Construction Project
Any kind of construction project is loud and dirty. For homeowners starting
their project, they have the anticipation of the finished product to look
forward to. But what if the project isn’t your own but your neighbor’s? You
have all the hassle with none of the excitement of the result. Having
construction going on next door is never fun, but you can mitigate the
negative aspects by following a few tips.
Talk to Your Neighbor, then Talk to the Contractor
In a perfect world, your neighbor will come to you first, but this isn’t always
the case. At the first sign of construction, get in touch with the owners and
discuss the scope and timeframe of the project. Discuss any specific issues
or occasions you have planned that the project could impact, such as
family illness, new baby, or backyard celebration
Noise and Dust
Plan to be away as much as possible during the project. Keep doors and
windows closed to prevent particles from entering your home, that can
cause health issues. Check with your local building department to
understand the hours that a construction company can work and work with
your neighbor to hold them accountable.
Finally, remember that this will end. You may need to live next door to the
owner for years to come and maintaining a good relationship with your
neighbors is more important than a few weeks of hassle.